Not every customer who visits your website will be interested in making a purchase. Certain individuals have ulterior motives as well. They serve through your website in order to hack it or create a potential threat to it; in the worst-case scenario, they can also hack your payment gateway, causing all online payments to be transferred to their account. Protect your website from this malicious malware. We assist in the provision of security products that protect your online information and that of your customers.
What is SSL Certificate for Website and why do you need it?
Secure Sockets Layer (SSL) is a form of security used to protect sensitive information such as customers' names, phone numbers, addresses, and credit card numbers when transmitting this information across the internet. By creating a secure connection between a customer's web browser and the server of the company they're interacting with, it allows for a high level of trust in the online experience. SSL is essential for any website that sells goods or services, as it ensures the privacy and security of all information handled.
In the world of VPS or Virtual Private Server hosting, dedicated resources like RAM and CPU are made available to you on a per-account basis. Dedicated server virtualization is used in combination with partitioning the resources to share across users on that server.